Bathroom advice please.
10 years ago
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Comments (6)
- 10 years ago
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Design advice please on small bathroom reno to queen of UNcreativity!
Comments (26)hi we have about six months ago now, re done our bath room , similar size to yours, and , i can take some photos and email them to you , we have maximised space, and walls , put in a white stone bath under the window , it is a metre in width , with a cool water spout coming off the centre under the window we pu t afalse ledge in to sit , candles etc on , , we tiles floor to ceiling, off white , wall mirror cabnit with three mirrors , inset into the wall so its only sits out a we bit from the wall tiles , floating bath room vanity , so that it makes the floor space look bigger , . matching stone square basin sits ontop of the vanity to one side so plenty of room to sit all your bath room stuff when need be , seperate shower all tiled as well , with inset , shelves for shampoo etc, also , when you open the bath room door and walk in when you close the bath room door behind it next to the shower is a very narrow floor to ceiling shelvec for towels, now the hole is there we jaust havent got the shelves put in yet. , we gt loads of comments as the bth room dosent look small evn though it is , , most expensive item the sqwat extra wide stone bath , made to order basin / tap ware and shower spray thing ,oh and the white stone vanity which we had made to order as well , due to the sizing ....See MoreAdvice needed on a bathroom layout
Comments (26)Our house is full of cavity sliders. Twice they were all (but one) replaced due to swelling/warping and rubbing against framework when opening and closing. Some made terrible noise whenever we opened or closed them. Hubby had a hunch they were poorly manufactured overseas and discovered that was the case. Builder sourced a local manufacturer and the whole lot, bar one, was replaced and we haven't had any further issues. The one door couldn't be replaced due to it's location - a wall would have had to be pulled down, just as co-design has described. This experience makes me think it may be a case of ensuring you purchase well manufactured doors for your climate and particular environment, and take into careful consideration the particular location they will be installed....See MoreBathroom wet area back to wall or built in bath advice please?
Comments (30)Hi kristymacd, after changing my mind many times we went for a built in 1700 bath! Mostly as builder and tiler thought it would be easier to slope the floor properly and I liked the idea of the slightly larger built in compared to the 1590 back to wall. I’m sure a back to wall would’ve been possible and been fine, it all just got a bit hard and I knew both would look good. And I don’t think a back to wall would be any harder to clean than a built in - with a built in you have the hob and tiled face of the bath and back to wall there is the floor either side of the bath - same same! Here’s a pic of ours, not totally finished yet but really happy with it....See MoreAdvice on bathroom layout please
Comments (3)Thanks and sorry for not providing that information. This is a new room ensuite, not a renovation. So there is some flexibility in the window placement. On the wall facing the sliding door the single window is 1m wide x 1.3m high and is 1.5m off the ground. On the wall with two windows the windows are 1m wide x 0.5 and they are 2m off the ground. The floor will be tiled. Many thanks!...See More- 10 years ago
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