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Calling houzzers! Open plan living/dining decor ideas please.

9 years ago
Hi. We are lucky enough to have a circa 1887 heritage house overlooking the CBD of Launceston, in Tassie. We have undertaken major renovations and now I need to think about adding the finishing touches. The room is 7.65 m long by 5.5m wide with the windows facing west and the French doors facing north, opening onto to the verandah.

The dining table is currently placed where you can take advantage of the views (can't see out when in the arm chairs and sofa) and therefore both sides of the sofa act as thoroughfares.

Pieces in the room that will stay are the dining setting and buffet, the side tables and "anaesthetic trolley"/bar and, much to my disgust...the recliners! Am thinking of getting them reupholstered in a Tabacco coloured leather.

Any suggestions are very welcome!

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