Calling houzzers! Open plan living/dining decor ideas please.
9 years ago
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- 9 years ago
- 9 years ago
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Help decorating the living room please!?
Comments (29)Definitely add a rug with some pattern and texture to break up the conglomerate of dark colours both with the tiled floor and chocolate modular lounge. The rug you choose will then dictate what scatter cushions to select for your lounge. You may want to consider asking your landlord if a art hanging track can be installed this way you could hang a lovely print or artwork behind sofa. With an art track it is usually powder coated white and installed just below cornice and looks like part of the cornice. You are then given by the installer acrylic hanging wires that slot into this track making it versatile to hang either a series of smaller prints or one large one and you can change as often as you like without any damage to the walls. Your artwork can also be the basis for selecting a rug and scatters. You will be amazed how by adding the rug, scatters and artwork will give instant warmth and personality to your room. You may also want to add a coffee table too. If it is a particularly beautifully patterned rug that is a real feature think of a glass coffee table so the rug can be seen. This may also keep heaviness out of the room that is happening with dark floor dark lounge. All the best! Camille Interior Designer Australia...See MoreNeed idea on how to decorate a small open living space please.
Comments (18)Hi ASVInteriors, I think you forgot to attach a link to the Ikea chairs (would love to see which ones you meant :) The only worry I have with moving the sofa closer to BR2 wall is that it might block the flow from the entrance through to the large-ish hallway (where it has tall bookcases domintaing one wall and an Ikea 4x2 Expedit uni on the other wall) into the living room (see the plan). But maybe it would work? I should try to move it around a bit. At the moment eh sofa is moved onto the 344cm wall temporarily, with the coffee table in front it. Not sure if it shows up in the pictures well but we have quite a large 6 seaters dining table in the kitchen, which is placed fairly close to the carpet area. I would say that the distance between the back of the closest chair (tucked in, not when pulled out), on one end of the table, to the edge of the carpet area is only 20cm. By moving the sofa closer to the BR2 wall, and with the diving wall between kitchen and hallway being there, it may close the flow? Hmmm...I am not a designer so sometimes I can't visualise it first, maybe I should try to move it around a bit. I did try to move the sofa closer to the BR2 wall and felt a bit claustrophobic of how little space (on carpet area) is left at the back of the sofa. Definitely have to think seriously about getting a large ottoman :)...See MoreNeed decor ideas for family room
Comments (68)A suggestion that the professionals use and makes it SO much easier choosing colours - and then the perfect shade of that colour. Get a paint swatch of the Hog's Bristle - or paint a little sample card from leftover paint. Bring home 5 or 6 samples shades of navy from the paintshop to get the the closest shade/tone of navy to your couch. Armed with those - and a sample of your bench colour - hit the shops with confidence! You will see easily which yellow, or which Marsala or which 'whatever-colour-you-choose' looks great. There are many shades that might look like they work in the store, but when you get them home will be NQR,,,,you know, not quite right....and you still may not be thrilled with your room. It's a simple and almost foolproof way of choosing colour and has worked for me throughout many renovations.Couldn't do it without those little bits of colour! Have fun......See MoreFloor Plan Remodel - Help, ideas please!
Comments (12)i would be reluctant to make any major changes until you're ready to consider an extension to take best advantage of the great northern views towards your proposed new back gardens so my first suggestion is to check true dimensions of every room including bath, toilet and laundry and then make an accurate site plan with specific location of house, existing driveways, shed and any trees you want to keep and then check with council to find out if its possible to build a new garage in the front yard (or on the boundary as the old garage appear to be located) accurate site plan will allow you to begin planning future renovations and gardens and unless the old garage is beyond repair, subject to council approval, why not consider adding a new garage in the front yard and renovating the old garage to use as a shade house and garden workshop ...short term my suggestions include a new entry foyer, home office and pantry.. stage 2 has a new kitchen family and master suite and repurpose existing rooms (with the old kitchen post relocated into the new doorway between entry foyer and lounge) and stage 3 would include a new garage at the south west corner of the block and best location of alfresco will depend on your choice of location of garage and extensions but a covered space between old garage (new garden room?) and new kitchen could be worthwhile......See More- 9 years ago
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