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Retaining Walls, Garden Beds & Water Tanks ALL IN ONE - Brilliant!

Landscape Tanks
8 years ago

Retaining walls and front fences that store rain water - seems impossible doesn't it??

these lovely pictures above are actually retaining walls that store
rain water, which may seem hard to believe - well its not and lots of
people are using them already with stunning results.

Many people
stare at these pictures and can't see the tanks without realising the
lovely structures are the tanks themselves. Many people also like the
appearance of the tanks so much they don't even fill them with water.

great Landscape Tanks are designed for use as structural retaining
walls and front fences that store rain water and they can also be used
for many other structures around the home. You can even have your front
fence as your on site detention system if you like.

They are made
from high grade concrete (50mpa) and provide a fantastic alternative to
traditional retaining walls or front fences and are very cost

The Landscape Tanks do not require any footings, are
very easy to install and may be placed straight on a firm level base for
great savings.

They are are pre-engineered (empty) for use as
retaining walls, which means they are also ideal for other structures
around your home, such as front fences, on site detention systems, pool
or pergola surrounds, water tanks, fire fighting water tanks, and raised
garden beds.

The planter top also has many other uses (apart
from growing plants) including water features, outdoor kitchens, decking
and even spectacular light shows all at the same time while still being
used for your retaining wall or front fence.

The Landscape Tanks
are all quality and designed to last over 100+ years (or even 150
years) and they add that WOW factor to your home.

So whether you
are looking for retaining walls in Sydney or retaining walls in
Melbourne or just browsing for retaining wall ideas, block retaining
walls or concrete sleeper retaining walls, look no further than the
fantastic multi purpose quality Landscape Tanks. You may be very
surprises at just how cost effective they can be.

Product sizing and capacities also available at http://www.landscapetanks.com.au/technical-info/specifications/

Landscape Tanks may be used for any of the following individually or
concurrently in the same project and they deliver great savings and

Retaining Walls
Simply place into position for instant results - no footings required.
On site detentions systems
Save money - you may avoid using a detention system altogether.
Front Fences
Stunning front fences that store rain water and even double as retaining walls.
Rain Water Tanks
Turning rain water tanks into a feature for your property.
Pool landscaping
Stores rain water for the pool and keeps plants out of chlorine level.
Raised Garden Beds
Ideal working height for growing vegetables and herbs.
Water Features and Light Show
Using the planter tops for other uses can deliver amazing results.


Pre-engineered - we provide you with your own set of engineering drawings.
No footings required - easy to install - no excavation required.
They will look the same in 100+ years as the day they are installed.
They turn water tanks into a feature of your property.
Made from 50mpa high quality concrete for exceptional long life.
Enhance to appearance of your property - attractive landscape architecture.
Let us design your OSD system and chances are you wont need an OSD system at all.
Add value and that WOW factor to your quality home.
Very cost effective

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