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Need help on my new house plan

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I've bought a new small corner block of land and needed some advise on the house design.. since it's small, im alright, as i will be staying alone and with my mom most of the time.. and occasionally family and friends visit..

Need some advise on the plan below :

- changed the ensuite to single vanity (space more important)

- will it be a good idea to remove the garage to living door (which i dont like)

meaning there wont be an internal access from the garage at all..

or just add a door to somewhere but not the living area....

I did consider building a double storey house, but my builder mentioned not advisable if im just moving the bed1+ensuite+wir and a small living to the upper floor.. as he said the cost is not feasible and will only advise if i were to build >30sq+...

Any advise ??

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