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Design advice please on small bathroom reno to queen of UNcreativity!

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Hi, I have decided to keep the current size of my small bathroom in my house (rather than taking other space from house to also do ensuite and end up with 2 very small spaces).

The space is 1.8m (6ft) wide and 3.08m long (10ft 1 inch). The door opening is on the 1.8m wall which enters from a hallway.

I am hoping to put in a vanity (with a big mirror) , a toilet and fairly big walk in shower (just a glass panel to stop water splash) Size of shower maybe about 0.9m (3ft) x 1.5m (5ft). I am not putting a bath in the room. If possible, I wanted to also include some storage options for towels/linen as storage space is very limited in the house (but this is a nice to have and not absolutely essential).

There is one small off centre window on the back 1.8m wall which is adjacent to the backsteps of house and backyard (which backs onto a park that is used often). I will either (option 1) remove the window and put in a skylight or (option 2) convert the current window to a higher one so that it could be left open without fear of neighbourhood seeing into bathroom from park. (I just don't want to put a modern window in a house that still has all plain casement windows).

I really love the grey marble floor looks in bathrooms or the dark grey floors (but marble is just too expensive for my budget). I also like the plain white walls with large white tiles or smaller white tiles (if not too expensive) and either white or silver grout). I also like hints of timber in the bathroom as it ties in with the timber floors in the house. In my living area I have a 1960's sideboard (that isn't in the greatest of condition). I like the look of these in bathrooms, but in Australia, to get one suitable for a bathroom, it would cost me a lost more than a typical vanity I think.

The interior walls in my house are a very neutral white (almost like the colour of undercoat white). My kitchen has been renovated white cupboards and essastone benchtops. The benchtops are quite neutral but have slight grey/cream flecks in it. Whilst the kitchen is a modern style, I have made it very neutral and it has a lot of plain white wall in it to hopefully put hints of 1960's art/accessories in it.

In summary, I guess I am hoping for a bathroom that has hints of the Australian 1960's (not pink, blue, yellow or green though), but done in a modern way and in a style that won't date quickly.

Some of my questions:

1. What bathroom configuration would maximum the apparent size of the bathroom?

2. Considering all of the above, can anyone give me an design ideas in terms of what tiles, how to lay them out, vanities to choose, etc etc. (I am based in Brisbane)?

PS. My house is 1960's Australian timber chamferboard on concrete stumps that are about 1.9m high (so easy access to plumbing from under the house). Floors in house are mixed hardwood timber. I may extend my property in 10-20 years time, but don't have the funds at present to do anything other than the bathroom renovation, which I want to be done well, but using more economical options that give a look that is special (if that is possible).

(From [previous post[(https://www.houzz.com.au/discussions/need-help-for-design-of-very-small-bathroom-and-ensuite-dsvw-vd~3668618):)

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