We are looking at doing something similar so we would like to know how steep is the batter shown in the photo & what would be the advisable maximum slope?
hi--a very difficult question to answer online. In this particular house, the rockery was existing but we did install new plants and the new entry stair. The wall was engineered and the whole project was permitted with the City of Seattle. Your project is unique and would require a similar review by officials and professionals in your jurisdiction to determine what is feasible and allowed, esp. when dealing with steep slopes and retaining structures.
The slope of a wall like that depends very much on the soil type and whether there is a retaining structure. For example, if there is an engineered retaining wall behind the piled boulders then it's not the boulders holding back the hill and they can virtually be arranged however you like. Either way, the best thing is to speak to a local engineer to get advice on what is possible in your location.
Banyon Tree Design Studio
Architecture Republic
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