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Heating off-grid new-build: woodfired cooker & hydronic slab heating?

7 years ago

My husband and I are planning to build our 'forever home', which will be situated on a farm in South West Victoria, Australia. The house will be roughly 215-220m2. We will be living entirely off-grid and our home will be designed for heating and cooling to be as passive as possible. However, we will still require some other form of heating and water heating for the middle of winter. We have access to plenty of firewood and would like to minimise our use of LPG. I also suffer from allergies and would prefer not to have a traditional wood heater blowing dust all around our house.

Our original plan was to install an ESSE 990CH wood-fired cooker, with a wetback for hot water (solar hot water will be used also), and hydronic concrete slab heating. However, we have been advised by one distributer that for a house our size, the ESSE would not be able to heat the entire slab (minus garage) or indeed heat water, slab and cook at the same time, for a house of any size.

I have attached the latest draft floor plan. Kitchen/Dining/Living is all North facing, The Northern-most "living room" is an outdoor room with concrete floor. It will be fully insulated and have double glazed windows and doors.

We would love to hear:

- other people's experience with ESSEs or similar products, being used for heating, hot water and cooking.

- alternative suggestions for heating/cooking and hot water.

- whether any experts on passive heating can tell us if we could get away with not having the hydronic slab heating in the outdoor room? In winter we plan to have the internal dividing doors open, to assist with passive heating, and vice-versa in summer.

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