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Kitchen cupboard ideas needed

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Well... this was a new kitchen reno completed by the owners of the house before we purchased it. The benchtop has been sprayed.. now showing wear and will be replaced by an overlay (colour?) but we definitely need to change the cupboard colour. The kitchen is in great condition and was custom made

I am keen to make as economic a change as possible. Choices seem to be paint, spray, change doors( which leaves the areas around the cupboards in need of painting if doors are changed. Happy with layout. Kitchen is quite dark. Light cream white on walls, white tiles on floor with some grey.

Questions 1. Which method do we use? 2. What colour? Adjoins sitting room and dining room has a light sage green as dominant. Perhaps a really pale white paint with a green tinge or white/ grey tinge. Sorry for long post. Pics of floor tiles and backsplash also. They stay. The last pic is a possible colour. As stated, very light. Any ideas appreciated.

Comments (61)

  • 7 years ago

    Perhaps you might be better to consider Ikea/Bunnings as the Pro painting is not cheap and you still end up with old design cabinets/features cheers

  • 7 years ago
    Yes, thought of IKEA or Bunnings. Trouble is, we put in a new floor and new splashback, so concerned that would be damaged and / or need repair if the kitchen was removed and replaced. I’ll keep thinking and researching.. Thank you siriuskey
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    Hi There! I have a sample of the Malibu, and the Wattyl white, and the Laminex Polar White is a good match, and being such a crisp white, it should work well with the grey in your flooring. You can always add warmth and an accent colour with your decor and furnishings . I hope it works out for you! Kind Regards, Sharon
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    Your kitchen looks like it may be original with the house and has had a number of makeovers since it was built. It looks like a builders kitchen, and probably not the highest quality with hinges and runners starting to wear out at a guess. You can't apply a two-pack finish to old doors that have been painted (and repainted) before and expect a perfect finish. I wouldn't buy new doors and drawer fronts in such an old kitchen, but look at upgrading all of the knobs to handles and repainting to work with the materials and colours that you won't be changing, such as the benchtop and flooring. Many kitchens have a life span as things wear out and technology changes. All of the little jobs and upgrades that you have described will be fiddly and expensive due to the labour content. Don't waste too much of your money on upgrades to this old kitchen but save up for a new one. A well designed, new kitchen will make better use of the space, and be designed to give you the storage you need, and house the appliances that you want to make cooking a pleasure. Best of luck, Dr Retro of Dr Retro House Calls
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    Sketch the room with measurements and post here. Pics are good also. You’ll get some great ideas.
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  • 7 years ago
    In other words.. we thought we could live with the cabinet colour. So off we went replacing the floor and tiles thinking it would be enough. It certainly improved things as the original benchtop looked like the aftermath of a volcanic eruption. The change was not enough though. So, there lies the problem. If we rip out the kitchen we need to do the other bits all,over again. I think it’s called “putting the cart before the horse!”
  • 7 years ago
    Good idea MvdR. I think that’s the way we’ll go. I have painted two houses in the past, so have a bit of experience. Painting the other parts of the kitchen cabinets should be fine. I have used laminate primer and paint before, on a smaller scale, but didn’t want to do the whole kitchen in case I wrecked it. Do you suggest off the shelf doors or using a cabinet maker? As the doors are of different widths and heights, ( custom made apparently !! ) I though it may be difficult to buy off the shelf. Still, I will measure and see what I can find. Thanks everyone for all your great suggestions
  • PRO
    7 years ago

    I'm afraid you'll have to go custom. Off the shelf doors aren't going to fit all your different dimensions, but costs shouldn't be too bad as the cabinet maker doesn't have to put much time into it. Good luck with it!

  • 7 years ago

    Hi Chris, I would still look into Bunnings?Ikea to replace the kitchen, most base cabinets are 600 deep with pantries etc a bit deeper, but these can be adjusted. Use the same floor plan as this would work with your new floor, you may have an accident with a couple of tiles but if done with care this shouldn't happened and will also depend on the height of the new cabinets and bench top. I would have a Pro painter quote to repaint the kitchen and then a quote for a new bench top. Advertise your kitchen for sale, check out others online the purchaser has to arrange to have it removed form your place.

    So the cost of a new Bunnings/Ikea kitchen minus the sale of the old kitchen, against painting the old kitchen with a new bench top.

  • 7 years ago
    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Now for painting quotes, Bunnings and IKEA research etc etc. . Will post a pic when completed. Thanks again
  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Looking forward to hearing what you decide on Chris and seeing the finished kitchen :)

  • 7 years ago

    Go with painting the cupboards.. there are great new paints to use on laminates these days.

  • 7 years ago

    I painted laminex cupboards years ago using a wipe on product pst or something ( Bunnings will know) and Enamel paint...sanded back each ...0f three coats. looked great and not hard. If you only did the doors don't paint anything else....let the tan bits be a feature?

  • 7 years ago

    The black bench top is appalling!!!!!

  • 7 years ago

    We recently renovated our kitchen. The original kitchen was an American Oak kitchen - cupboards went all the way up to the ceiling. The doors had started to show wear and tear after 26 years - some started to show the split where the joins were. The surrounds were also a timber colour and we had a laminate bench top. We started by putting in a solar skylight (purchased from Bunnings) which opened up the light in that area - the set up for a solar is a little different in that it is a cable (not a tube) that connects the panel to the light outlet. After much discussion and research regarding costs we went with resurfacing the bench top (as there was no guarantee that when they removed the bench top the framework would not come with it because of the way it was assembled); replaced the doors and had them two packed, resurfaced the surrounds and replaced the backsplash (which was the same as the bench top) with painted glass. We have a gas cooktop and oven and that is why we went for glass. The resurfacing is white (but not stark white), bench top has speckles of light and dark brown and the paint behind the glass is beige with some glitter added in the paint. We have cork tiles and timber window surrounds so we tried to pick up that look in the benchtop. Appliances are all stainless steel. We can bring in colour with small appliances, etc as we need to replace them. To replace our whole kitchen was going to cost around $38000.00 and that was not with cupboards going up to the ceiling. This renovation cost us just over $10000.00 - and the resurfacing has a 5 year guarantee. We are happy with our decision.

  • 7 years ago

    Well done, $38000 wow. I find these prices horrible we always do the flat pack option and assembly done by use over time, a chippie employed to install along with Plumber & Elec, We project manage. Any new appliances are found on Grays online at a fraction of the cost. And our last project having such a large island 2.7 x 1.2, we went with what a lot of Architects use, Plywood with a 2 pack coating. so as to get a shadow line we used a white laminated wood same thickness approx 2cm smaller over all. The Island benchtop plus the sink bench along under the window plus enough left over for long Trestle entrance table top, delivered approx $600

  • 7 years ago

    Have you considered leaving the bottom cupboards/drawers as is and focus on changing the look of the above bench cupboards only? Once bench and top cupboards sorted you might be able to live with the mustard lower cupboards.

    I wonder if a couple of cupboards could lose their doors altogether actually or be replaced with glass doors. Changing the remaining mustard bits yourself would be less daunting then.

    Remove the plinth and change the handles to similar to those in the white kitchen you included will make a huge difference too.

    Replace the benchtop with whatever you like as long as it works with splashback and cupboards.

    I think from my experience you could get a decent new one for $1000 give or take depending on what you choose. (and read what siriuskey said above). Get a price from a couple of kitchen makers. My latest project was custom kitchen and bench top was only $653 and it looks superb. It would have been over capitalising if I'd gone for granite or more expensive option but it doesn't look cheap, in fact it makes the kitchen. Even Ikea have reasonable looking affordable benchtops. Research new first.

    I'd not muck around painting bench, I painted splashback tiles in a kitchen, just a few to highlight my then mid-century house and whilst wiped all the time they looked a treat when I sold it a couple of years later. Buyers all commented on how much they loved them lol, little did they know, so a professional look can be obtained on certain materials but I'd not risk painting a food prep bench top that gets a lot of use and cleaning.

  • 7 years ago

    Oh,,, and don't forget the kickboard, that has to be changed. Cheap enough to replace. Again, if painted with all the kicking they get it will look shabby in no time.

  • 7 years ago
    Lol Melbourne 1944! Not sure the benchtop is more appalling than the mustard colour of the cabinets. I won’t be keeping the cabinet colour anywhere I’m afraid.
  • 7 years ago
    We got a panel beater/spray painter to paint our laminate cupboards. Didn't chip at all in the 8 years we had that kitchen.
  • 7 years ago

    I agree with you that your cabinets will look so much better in that off white. How about picking up the green colour in the bench top, even if it's just in a green toned fleck? Google searches find companies that specialise in kitchen resurfacing, and I know there are companies that can put a thin layer of engineered stone over your existing bench top, which should be a whole lot more hard-wearing than paint.

  • 7 years ago

    I should probably add that the resurfacing was done by a professional if that was not assumed when reading my comments - all two pack finish. My husband is no handy man - you should see what can happen when he has to replace a towel rail in the bathroom!!!!

  • 7 years ago
    Thanks, Kath Berg and mummat
    We are definitely changing the cupboard colour and possibly the benchtop. Doing the job ourselves is not on the cards, either. Many companies are very busy at the moment, so we may need to wait for quotes. Gives us time to decide on colours though. The Reno is almost finished and the kitchen and front door is the last of the projects. You’d think we’d be masters at making colour decisions by now, wouldn’t you? I think we’re overthinking it.
  • 7 years ago

    You've had some great ideas here but whatever you choose I agree if it was me I couldn't live with that mustard is no way is that a colour that brings me comfort or joy I like the off white as it will go with your black and white themed tiles or even a pale light grey would be nice as well, I believe Bunnings can advise and even send someone to advise on site for a couple to few hundred dollars I'd go speak to them and see what options are available and a ball park figure on door replacement etc that costs only your time and may give you a better idea of what your final choice may be. Paint or replace. Good luck. I believe that your black tops may look 100% better if the cupboards were off white or pale grey and as suggested a solar skylight will bring in more natural light.

  • 7 years ago
    m_mdimond, thank you for your great ideas. I think we will test out all the options suggested and make our decision afterwards. Glad someone else hates the mustard colour. It really is quite awful and has to go ! In no way does it look anything like timber...just awful!
  • 7 years ago
    mummat, that sounds an excellent way to go. Are you willing to tell me which company did your resurfacing? ( Not sure if that’s permitted). I think having Bunnings come out and give a quote will be our first action. Then, if we take that option, have the surrounds and benchtop resurfaced. Thank you !
  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Hey Chris... as a temporary solution to help disguise that gorgeous mustard colour you love so much lol .... print up some large photos, laminate them and apply to the cupboard doors with blue tac ;) Until such time as you can permanently remove them... might help putting up with them a little easier if you can't see them :)

  • 7 years ago
    Hi there, you CAN, very successfully paint over laminate, buy a product like ESP, (in Australia), or some other preparation like a stain blocker for the laminate. These products should be able to be purchased from any paint department. You paint these preparations on to the surfaces, leave for a period of time according to directions, then wipe off, then after waiting for another predetermined time you paint with either a normal paint or laminate paint. Take your time and the results will surprise you. Ignore the naysayers telling you to replace your doors, there are a myriad of ways to update them without replacing.
  • 7 years ago
    Chris, I forgot to add, you do not have to sand anything if using ESP, and no sanding either before painting.
  • 7 years ago
    Thanks Partridge1953.

    I agree, we could spend thousands on updating, but I honestly don’t think we should. ( btw 1953 was a very good year) I believe following suggestions of preparing the surface first ( with ESP or similar) the painted surface will look great. Still not feeling the confidence to do it myself yet, but we have a reliable and talented painter who has done all our other work, so will chat with him about his confidence and experience in completing this job. Rather spend the $$ on travel !
  • 7 years ago

    Much better plan to travel Chris, I have just played with your current kitchen to show how it could look in white, with a new white plinth between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling, the current one will date the kitchen it no matter what colour you paint the cabinets, there's no oven shown as my CAD is so old. cheers

  • 7 years ago
    Woohoo!! What a champ you are, Siriuskey!!
    Looks great! Thanks for all the trouble you’ve gone to. Fantastic
  • 7 years ago
    Thanks everyone. Your ideas have been very helpful. Over and out from me. Will post pics when it’s done
  • 7 years ago

    I'd definitely change the bench tops whatever else you do - and I note kickboards match. When putting in our kitchen a few months ago, we had difficulty with the kickboards that came with the cupboards and ended up using strips of brushed aluminium faced board. They look brilliant and are easy to clean - matching, sink, handles and appliances.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    Mustard is a tricky colour but it goes very well with black. I think as a very low cost start you could paint the bulkhead above the top cabinets black. That would give a more updated look at very low cost and introduce the rhythm of black lines in the kickboards, benchtops and bulkhead.

    If you are looking at a short term solution and not afraid of funky, here is an idea right out of left field: take all the doors and drawer fronts and lay them out on the lawn, get up on a ladder and splatter them with paint - your own Jackson Pollock kitchen! I am not really serious, but if you wanted to try that, I would suggest using a grey similar to your fridge handle as the main splatter, with just a little bit of apple green for interest.

    Could be stunning or ghastly :-) You might need to practice first to see if you like your work. The predominant colour on the doors would still be the mustard background which would tie them in with the rest of the cabinets.

  • 7 years ago
    Thanks Daniel. Like your idea of Jackson Pollock cupboards but I’m afraid I won’t be going that way w
    My creative streak was lost somewhere along the way and has never been found. I agree that mustard is a tricky colour. Nothing really goes with it and it always makes me feel and the room feel so blah. Having a specialist painter out to quote, then looking at other options too. Maybe a Blue Poles design might come up in conversation. .
  • 7 years ago

    I am interested in the comment about the panel beater spray painting the cupboards. were they able to spray a laminate cupboard with 2 pac paint ? if so how did you paint the framework with 2 pac paint ?

  • 7 years ago

    Chris Cotton, I live in North Qld and our resurfacing person is Resurfacing Australia approved. If you go to their website it explains the process and also you can contact them to find out who the professional is in your area.

    Sabina56 if you go to the same website there is a fair amount of information regarding the process. He sanded our framework and then spray painted with the two pack over it. The kitchen and every cupboard opening is sealed off with plastic from floor to ceiling but there is a tube with a suction machine attached that takes the vapours outside. Our resurfacing person's original trade was a panel beater.

  • 7 years ago
    Sabina56, yes it was two pac. There wasn't much framework, we just hand painted it with enamel paint. We knew we were going to replace it eventually. Wish I had a pic, but it was a number of years ago, sorry.
  • 7 years ago

    thanks for the information ; I will make enquires with my local panel beating shop

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    repainting is the way to go. Black under bench, white above will bring it together with your tiles, Snazz it up with new bench top, tap and shcmick handles and it will be lovely. Maybe add task light under the overhead cabs

    Mother of Pearl and Sons Trading»20234 / 20211 · More Info

  • PRO
    6 years ago


    Pinventor provides custom glass, tile, cabinet door printing services. It will help you to achieve the look you want your kitchen to be.

  • 6 years ago
    Hi again. Finally took the plunge and had the kitchen resprayed. So much lighter and a great job by the professionals. Hard to remember the mustard kitchen now, except the photos remind me.
  • 6 years ago
    Well done, looks excellent.
  • 6 years ago
    Thank you. We are very pleased. It took a full week it the result was well worth it.
  • 6 years ago
    This is a better photo of the finished product. So much lighter and more modern. Thanks for all the suggestions along the way
  • 6 years ago

    Looks great!! :) I'm sure you are very happy!

  • 6 years ago

    Looks amazing, well done, you didn't mention what it cost?

  • 6 years ago
    Under $7k including GST.
  • 6 years ago

    Money well spent, you must be very happy with the outcome

  • 6 years ago

    I am happy to hear that after making the choice to resurface you are delighted with the outcome. It looks fantastic. Great choice.

  • 6 years ago
    Thanks everyone.