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Outdoor kitchens

Cooking up a storm

We over the time have designed many kitchen setting’s for the outdoor room and every time we make a point of taking into account certain key elements as it is these that form the backbone of the cooking station.

Sure, you may say it’s only a BBQ, but we actually consider it as far more than that and approach it by absorbing the following points as the catalyst for the design:

- What materials (existing or new) are abound the BBQ station

- How often would you consider using an outdoor cooking station

- How many people would the station be cooking for

- How experimental would you like to be

- Does the area experience weather conditions that could impact the using of the cooking station at certain times

- Who would you cook for?

o This might sound silly but if you are cooking for your partner then introducing a sense of intimacy to the experience adds pure romance

o Or maybe you are a party animal and love having family and friends over so having a group of friend’s sharing the cooking experience with you by means of a couple of bar stools is just peach

- Upkeep and the ease of cleaning. How often do we do the cleaning preparation of the station just before you start cooking. Of course, this is part of the BBQ experience but consider if there are ways of making this necessary task easier. There are various cooking units that actually have taken this into account just to make life a little bit easier

Let me leave this with you. Sitting outside in our balmy evenings with a glass of wine to unwind after the week’s work pressures can actually slow you down in mood and heart rate. There is nothing more satisfying to the soul than slowing down and so giving you time to stop, think and breath.

Enjoy your next cooking experience but think about why you want such an outdoor component.

Chris Slaughter - Lead Designer

Scenic Blue Design


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