updating a boring brick project home
This is our house. It’s your typical 90’s faux federation single storey brick project house. We love it. It’s in a great location, has a great yard for our kids and most of all, it was all we could afford in the area. But... I have hated the facade since the day we inspected it. All. That. Red!!! We live in an area which has a lot of character homes. Restored miners cottages and beach shacks and new homes as the area has increased in value. In the not too distant future, we’d like to sell our place to be closer to the beach but I know houses like ours, when competing with the other homes available, don’t tend to do as well price wise. So I’m thinking of ways we can give it some of the character it needs to compete. It’s the brick I’m struggling with. The tile roof is in pretty good nick so I think we’ll paint it to a Dulux Monument or something similar. I don’t like the idea of rendering I think it removes even more character on houses like this. I have been thinking about giving the bricks an acid or white wash (tbh, don’t know the difference) we don’t seem to do it a lot in Aus but it seems common place in the US. The idea is to keep the character of the bricks but just soften the harshness of the red colour. I’d also spray the driveway to a white or light grey (colour suggestions welcome) and all the cream elements would be painted white except the garage doors which I don’t know if we should do light or dark to match the roof (suggestions welcome) We’re also just finishing a reno on the front garden which includes a gabion rock wall and slatted timber screen to five that front window some privacy. We’re also adding a new front porch made from dark bluestone paving and matching step stones through the turf. I’ve also got dark feature lights to replace all the cream ones. So I guess the question is whether or not the whitewash brick would look any good and I’m hoping someone has done it and can give some pics/advice. Thanks!

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LauraOriginal Author
LauraOriginal Author