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Wardrobe renovations

Leigh James
3 years ago

We have just started renovations on our daugher's bedroom. Her wardrobe currently looks like this.

She wants to keep hinged doors so we aren't changing them to sliders. We will be putting a drawer/shelving insert inside for more storage. With regards to the doors, we will be changing the door to the room over to this https://www.humedoors.com.au/ranges/internal/46-linear-internal/300-hlr230, and were originally planning on putting the same doors on the wardrobe, but I'm just not sure and wondering if we're better off putting something like this on the wardrobe https://www.bunnings.com.au/corinthian-doors-2040-x-820-x-35-moda-pmod25-mirror-internal-door_p2038475?gclid=CjwKCAjwgZuDBhBTEiwAXNofRK1FXjDPy22oY_EiQCu9RzPG_-jbliV7cnE5HmOEVWMkkacBFa9pVhoCKQwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds 

We are also considering what we do in this room will impact the remainder of the rooms in the home with regards to the approach we take in those rooms when it comes to doing the wardrobes.

Feedback or similar experiences welcome.

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