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Floor plan feedback and ideas needed

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm going through a renovation on my current place, and we are adding another level to our existing 3 bedrooms single storey house (1970s red brick veneer home east facing).

We wanted the back 3 rooms (dining, bedroom, and laundry) of the existing house to be raised to the same level as the rest of the house, as it's currently having a step down layout which is not ideal with kids. However, we cannot find the same tiles and our budget would blow out if we had to re-tile the whole house. Plus we're concerned that re-titling might damage our current kitchen cabinets.

I have attached our existing floor plan and new concept plans.

I would love some feedback and ideas on how to address:

  1. Raising the flooring, and removing walls when you cannot find the same floor tiles?
  2. General feedback on the concept floor plan. Is it the most optimal use of space?
  • For example, we are thinking of changing the design of the staircase to be a half landing staircase for more storage options. And seperate the upstairs toilet from the bathroom. But not too sure if it's the best design idea.

Thanks in advance


Our existing floor plan

Proposed Ground Floor

Proposed First Floor

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