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Like painting Services Group provide quality painting services in Aust

3 years ago

Being one of the professional and commercial painters Australia,Like Painting offers a wide range of painting services including interior painting, exterior painting, offce painting, wallpaper hanging and much more. With a passion for painting homes, we service almost all areas of Australia “ Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold cost, Perth and cover all the details, from offering initial consultation to providing fnal touches. We are not only fully- equipped but have the technical know-how of managing both house painting and commercial painting projects. So, do not wait anymore and approach us right now 1300847679 Short description: Like Painting services group provides professional painting services across Australia , including residential painting, commercial painting, interior and exterior painting.

Location: Australia Address: 91 king William st, Adelaide 5000 Contact: 1300847679 Email: info@likepainting.com.au

