Last year my girlfriend and I bought our first house together . We love it , love the area , love almost everything about it .
Its just out of town , and is probably the most sort after local area , and has been for the last 40 years . But we looked at several houses in several areas , this one we absolutely loved the most , so our main motivation wasn't the area -- that was one consideration , but it genuinely wasn't the main consideration .
But anyway , most houses around us are very nice , and I see that one on the next road over from us made the N Z House of the Year . Personally its not my cup of tea , and Rosie says much the same -- we both prefer our place . And it is rumoured to have cost substantially more than our place too , in fact almost double the value of our place . Anyway , see what you think --
There is quite a big hedge and trees along the road frontage , and apparently the owners bought an existing older but quite nice place , and then either demolished or moved the existing house . So the above picture is what you see when you have driven onto the property -- in other words , it is very private !
Anyway , it is very black and white . . . . . .
Theres heaps of other pictures on-line , but you get the idea !
I think it won the local regional section , so it must tick the boxes , just not our cup of tea .
Our place is about 1kilometre around to the left of that photo directly above , and a bit to the left of the photo below .
Jan Dobson
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