34sq metre studio space
22 days ago
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- 22 days ago
- 22 days ago
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Comments (5)Many thx Emily for your input, much appreciated- I had to finalise the coping paver yesterday and have gone with a square edge coping paver in http://www.stoneoutdoors.com.au/Metro/Colour-Range - Portland, its a textured paver off white/with flecks of bluestone aggregrate through it - thinking I could do either a/plain concrete with scoring (lines in concrete, with possibly a long line of tonal pebbles seeded into concrete so it is all tonal and hopefully disappears and makes the pool itself feature; or b/we slightly colour the concrete a deeper blueygrey like our bricks (not quite as dark) and either score the concrete in large blocks or score it so it resembles the 500 x 500 pavers around the pool coper/edge? Hope this makes sense:) Cheers Helen...See MoreLighting for a domed space
Comments (27)Hi suancol, both domes have operable skylights. They look circular from directly below. (See photo) but have an angled square skylight sitting on an angled plinth above. These skylights provide shifting daylight and moonlight, acting like evocative internal sundials. They are part of the cooling system too. On stinking hot days, the windscoop funnels any prevailing wind from the outside, down into the main dome, through a small interior window. (To the right of the door in the photo below) This cools the dome as the same air is then drawn up and out through the skylight. We also have three double glazed windows in both domes - as many as we could have before the structural integrity and strength of the lancet arches would have been lessened. The geometries are why the 40 domes in one Nepalese orphanage withstood the quake this week. These windows provide plenty of daylight. Sometimes these domes can be very cave like. We wanted to push the limit. Today, we hung the windows! A big day. We're working with a local young designer to commission the door and work bench. I wouldn't mind the door having a cut away hatch opening, to further enhance light and ventilation. A bit of a quirky gothic touch. Bristow Architecture, we are toying with the sconce-type you suggest for an outside light in the entrance vault. My love of earthen architectures came from solo backpacking in Morrocco. My favourite place in all the world is Imlil, in the High Atlas Mountains. So we're also toying with a lamps from chained pulleys for the main dome - Moroccan? or would that be too much and detract from the cathedral lift of the space. We have one extra light outlet above the door. We'll reserve that one for one upwards directional light to highlight the lift. Jdublya, I like your suggestion. It might suit for the smaller, second half-dome. The whole sweep will have a work bench. Morning light through those windows is petalled and sweet. But we do different lighting again. Something like this could work. Thanks all. This is such fun. So much to play with....See MoreLighting Placement Help Needed!!
Comments (8)LED lighting has made such a difference to how you can illuminate your home now and they give excellent light so you don't need the number of downlights as before. Strip lighting on stairs, for example, can look amazing and add wow to your home. Be guided by the experts above, or a good electrician should be able to give you practical advice. In some rooms one downlight can even be enough if you plan on having other feature lighting. Pendant lights for your bedroom will look great, but look at what wattage the lights you choose will take and whether you will need any other lights in the room. I have always been very minimalist in my home and try to keep to one light in each room for general access lighting and have alternative feature lighting for atmosphere. For example, I just have one LED downlight over my desk in my bedroom for when I'm working and a lamp each side of my bed for other times, and this is all I need. In my lounge room, I put two pendants, hung at different lengths in one corner of the room as a feature and I have two table lamps for when extra light is needed, but for watching TV or just generally entertaining and relaxing, the two pendants on their own are enough. Like you say, nothing is worse than over lighting a room, it totally loses any atmosphere. Your home theatre for example, could only need two downights for when you need a good light for cleaning and such, otherwise for general use, some wall sconces will give subtle lighting to the room. Have the two types of lights on separate switches naturally. One important thing I always suggest people be mindful of in work areas especially is to place lights so you don't work in your own shadow. One example is the kitchen sink or hotplates - put the light slightly to one side for better visibility....See Morestudent Studio Apartment
Comments (21)following my earlier suggestions i thought you may be interested in the floorplan for a weekend cottage which includes some ideas that may be useful for comparison... understanding that you may not change the original windows and doors the shallow pantry cupboards could extend behind your front door, the sink reduced to a standard 1200mm length and light and ventilation added with Solar Skylights, frosted glass internal doors with opening fanlights and an exhaust system for the stove, toilet and bath which are usually required for legal standards...See More- 22 days ago
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