The power of accurate estimates is in your hands
No other estimate tool has everything you need to quote from the office or from the field. Our mobile app empowers you to convert customers to projects on the go.
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Win more jobs with faster estimation
Watch this video to see just how easy it is to use Houzz Pro estimation tools to create accurate estimates that win projects and impress clients.

Create estimates in minutes with project templates
Accurate estimates win more projects, and Houzz Pro helps you create them fast, so clients can approve them on their mobile devices.
The best tools make your life easier
Get powerful features that will simplify your estimation process
Start with templates
Easily create templates for different types of projects. Use them to generate quick, accurate estimates you can customise and save
Set Markup & GST
We make it easy to create estimates that work for your business. Easily add the markup and GST you need to include
Track approvals
Send your professionally branded estimate to the client and let them approve from any device, and with an e-signature