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Photo of a small contemporary master bathroom in Other with flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, a drop-in tub, a shower/bathtub combo, a one-piece toilet, blue tile, ceramic tile, blue walls, ceramic floors, a vessel sink, tile benchtops, turquoise floor, a shower curtain, turquoise benchtops, a laundry, a single vanity, a built-in vanity and decorative wall panelling.
Vineuve Construction Inc.
Vineuve Construction Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

100 sq. ft. Tiny House

Contemporary Bathroom

shower + bathtub surrounded by teal penny tile with light weight, flexible, modified sealed grout. The Vineuve 100 is available for pre order, and will be coming to market on June 1st, 2021. Contact us at info@vineuve.ca to sign up for pre order.