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Photo of an expansive transitional wood floating staircase in DC Metro with wood risers, metal railing and panelled walls.
Century Stair Company
Century Stair Company
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104_Curved Staircases in 18th Century French Inspired Mansion, Mclean VA 22101

Transitional Staircase, DC Metro

Forged iron railings and contemporary white oak components blend seamlessly in this palatial space, designed in one of the most coveted neighborhoods in the northern Virginia area. We were selected by a builder who takes pride in choosing the right contractor, one that is capable to enhance their visions; we ended up designing and building three magnificent traditional/transitional staircases in spaces surrounded by luxurious architectural finishes, custom made crystal chandeliers, and fabulous outdoor views. CSC 1976-2023 © Century Stair Company ® All rights reserved.