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This is an example of a modern detached studio in Austin.
Sett Studio
Sett Studio
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

92 Square Foot Backyard Office

Modern Granny Flat or Shed, Austin

92 square foot SIP panel, modular, backyard office. Shou-Sugi-Ban wood siding and Monotread wall sheathing. Burned-wood or charred-wood siding, Shou-Sugi-Ban is Japanese wood treatment used in various elements throughout Sett – interior and exterior. Not only does it deliver an attractive aesthetic, the burning also weatherizes the wood, prevents bugs and rot, and has enhanced fire-resistance. Photography by Blake Gordon and Lisa Hause

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Georgia Madden added this to Best of the Week: Clever and Compact Spaces13 August 2017

3. Location: Texas, USAWhy we love it: The humble shed has had a serious makeover in recent years, as this pre-fab...

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Sun Muffin added this to My Project23 September 2024
