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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary backyard round aboveground pool in San Francisco with a hot tub and gravel.
Simmonds & Associates, Inc.
Simmonds & Associates, Inc.
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars15 ReviewsView Profile

An East Bay Garden

Contemporary Pool, San Francisco

This property has a wonderful juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements, which are unified by a natural planting scheme. Although the house is traditional, the client desired some contemporary elements, enabling us to introduce rusted steel fences and arbors, black granite for the barbeque counter, and black African slate for the main terrace. An existing brick retaining wall was saved and forms the backdrop for a long fountain with two stone water sources. Almost an acre in size, the property has several destinations. A winding set of steps takes the visitor up the hill to a redwood hot tub, set in a deck amongst walls and stone pillars, overlooking the property. Another winding path takes the visitor to the arbor at the end of the property, furnished with Emu chaises, with relaxing views back to the house, and easy access to the adjacent vegetable garden. Photos: Simmonds & Associates, Inc.

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Joanna Tovia added this to 12 Outdoor Hot Tubs Worth Soaking in4 September 2014

3. Wood and stoneA stone wall makes a striking backdrop to this redwood hot tub tucked among the trees. The tall stone...

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HU-938851269 added this to Wish List11 February 2025

hot tub idea