Asian Kids' Playroom Design Ideas
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This is an example of an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Tokyo Suburbs with white walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Asian gender-neutral kids' room in Other with light hardwood floors and white walls.
Asian gender-neutral kids' room in Other with light hardwood floors and white walls.
Inspiration for an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Yokohama with white walls, light hardwood floors and beige floor.
株式会社 アイスタイル
Photo of an asian kids' playroom in Other with white walls, light hardwood floors and brown floor.
大阪府吹田市「ABCハウジング千里住宅公園」にOPENした「千里展示場」は、2つの表情を持ったユニークな外観に、懐かしいのに新しい2つの玄関を結ぶ広大な通り土間、広くて開放的な空間を実現するハーフ吹抜のあるリビングや、お子様のプレイスポットとして最適なスキップフロアによる階段家具で上がるロフト、約28帖の広大な小屋裏収納、標準天井高である2.45mと比べて0.3mも高い天井高を1階全室で実現した「高い天井の家〜 MOMIJI HIGH 〜」仕様、SI設計の採用により家族の成長と共に変化する柔軟性の設計等、実際の住まいづくりに役立つアイディア満載のモデルハウスです。ご来場予約はこちらから
MEIJI HOMES 自由設計・自然素材の明治ホームズ
Inspiration for an asian kids' playroom in Other with multi-coloured walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Inspiration for a large asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Other with white walls and medium hardwood floors.
株式会社スタイル工房 stylekoubou
住まいづくりの専門店 スタイル工房_stylekoubou
Inspiration for an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Tokyo with white walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Inspiration for an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Tokyo with white walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Photo of an asian kids' playroom for girls in Other with pink walls and light hardwood floors.
Photo of an asian kids' playroom for girls in Other with pink walls and light hardwood floors.
Inspiration for a mid-sized asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Other with brown walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
This is an example of a small asian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Moscow with white walls and brown floor.
(株)アイジーコンサルティング アイジースタイルハウス
おままごとキッチンは奥様のDIY 遊べる和室
Design ideas for an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Other with white walls and beige floor.
Design ideas for an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Other with white walls and beige floor.
西島正樹/プライム PRIME Inc.architecture & planning
Photo of a mid-sized asian kids' room for boys in Tokyo with white walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
This is an example of an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Fukuoka with white walls and dark hardwood floors.
This is an example of an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Fukuoka with white walls and dark hardwood floors.
Photo of a small asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Nagoya with white walls, medium hardwood floors and exposed beam.
Photo by Nao Takahashi
This is an example of a small asian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Other with white walls, plywood floors, beige floor, wallpaper and wallpaper.
This is an example of a small asian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Other with white walls, plywood floors, beige floor, wallpaper and wallpaper.
牧 建築工房
Design ideas for a mid-sized asian kids' playroom in Other with white walls, medium hardwood floors, brown floor and wood.
Design ideas for a mid-sized asian kids' playroom in Other with white walls, medium hardwood floors, brown floor and wood.
Pleasant Design
Photo of a small asian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Other with brown walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
住いの設計工房 竹内建築設計事務所_岡山
2階 子供室
This is an example of an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Other with beige walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
This is an example of an asian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Other with beige walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Asian Kids' Playroom Design Ideas