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Design ideas for a small contemporary u-shaped separate kitchen in Toronto with an undermount sink, flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, quartz benchtops, white splashback, marble splashback, dark hardwood floors, a peninsula, brown floor, white benchtop and stainless steel appliances.
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Beach Penthouse - Toronto

Contemporary Kitchen, Toronto

Full kitchen renovation as part of a larger renovation to modernize the client's penthouse. It's not how much space you have; it's what you do with it! We used integrated appliances to space space and modern millwork with finger pulls to achieve a modern, streamlined design aesthetic. Adding the grey brick wall warms up the space and adds a custom touch that adds a sophisticated experience. Designer: Greco Interiors Photo: Stephani Buchman

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Georgia Madden added this to Best of the Week: 27 Clever Kitchen Set-Ups19 December 2018

26. Location: Toronto, CanadaFeatures: You don’t need a huge amount of space to create an eat-in kitchen, as this...

What Houzzers are commenting on
aalton0429 added this to Kitchen ideas4 September 2024

We originally said no peninsula but wondering about a small one if we have a corner pantry