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Traditional living room in New Orleans.
Albarado's Fine Furnishings
Albarado's Fine Furnishings
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars15 ReviewsView Profile


Traditional Living Room, New Orleans

4 drawer swell chest by Century. Outside: W: 40.25 in D: 19 in H: 39 in Crafted From: Maple solids and veneer Tip restraint included, dozens of wood finish options COMBO FINISH: Available as Top/Base combination ONLY. Shown in 4 drawer swell chest Outside: W: 40.25 in D: 19 in H: 39 in Crafted From: Maple solids and veneer Tip restraint included, dozens of wood finish options COMBO FINISH: Available as Top/Base combination ONLY. Shown in Finish: Top: Desert - Case French Blue