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Design ideas for a small country master bathroom in Baltimore with beaded inset cabinets, blue cabinets, an alcove tub, an alcove shower, a two-piece toilet, white tile, ceramic tile, white walls, a drop-in sink, marble benchtops, a shower curtain, white benchtops, a double vanity and a freestanding vanity.
Eisenbrandt Companies
Eisenbrandt Companies
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary Country Blue and Black Bathroom

Country Bathroom, Baltimore

With hints of blacks, blues, and golds, this bathroom renovation was a perfect mix to bring this space to life again. Double bowl navy vanity with Carrara stone and an accent of white shiplap to tie in a little texture for a clean, refreshing, and simple feel. Simple subway tile with dark grout and black fixtures to note a contemporary aesthetic.