Dining room fireplace
Mediterranean Dining Room, New York
Ancient Dining Room Stone Fireplaces by Ancient Surfaces.
Phone: (212) 461-0245
Web: www.AncientSurfaces.com
email: sales@ancientsurfaces.com
The way we envision the perfect dining room is quite simple really.
The perfect dining room is one that will always have enough room for late comers and enough logs for its hearth.
While It is no secret that the fondest memories are made when gathered around the table, everlasting memories are forged over the glowing heat of a stone fireplace.
This Houzz project folder contains some examples of antique stone Fireplaces we've provided in or next to dining rooms.
We hope that our imagery will inspire you to merge your dining experience with the warmth radiating from one of our own breathtaking stone mantles.
Direction of table