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Photo of a transitional verandah in Philadelphia.
Keystone Custom Decks
Keystone Custom Decks
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars186 ReviewsView Profile

Donnelly Residence

Transitional Verandah, Philadelphia

What do bugs, lack of space, chilly evenings or bad weather have in common? Not one of them can cause these homeowners to think twice about hosting a backyard barbecue! With a space like this, you have the freedom to host parties, outdoor movie nights, or a simple family dinner without blinking an eye. Building from the ground up, we were able to configure this design to include everything the homeowners wanted – a space to grill and chill, a screened in porch to give protection from all nature has to offer & ample space to enjoy dining outside. Using quality products to last a lifetime is key when doing it right– and with Timbertech Pecan decking & Keylink aluminum railing it also helps to keep maintenance to a minimum!

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Prea and Varun added this to Deck and Sunroom Project18 August 2022

screened in + opening to deck