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Garden Design Ideas with with Pond

Southfields Garden
Southfields Garden
Tom Howard Garden Design and LandscapingTom Howard Garden Design and Landscaping
Mid-sized contemporary backyard full sun formal garden in London with with pond and natural stone pavers for summer.
John and Sarah's backyard renovation
John and Sarah's backyard renovation
Landscape East & WestLandscape East & West
Stephen Cridland
This is an example of a mid-sized contemporary backyard partial sun formal garden in Portland with concrete pavers and with pond.
Hampton Court Flower Show
Hampton Court Flower Show
A tranquil garden design teeming with herbs and medicinal plants. Visitors are encouraged to use the continuous path as an aid to walking meditation. Along the path one can appreciate the filigree forms of umbellifers and gossamer fennel leaves. Awareness of subtleties such as plant movement in a breeze and backlit petals is heightened. The layout of the garden is denominated by the path’s route which loops and circles to contain a circular water trough and round of thyme. This curved path is intersected at various points by a serpentine rill. Senses are heightened via the calming sound of flowing water, cushioned feel of camomile atop the seat and the uplifting fragrance of mint varieties.
Ditton Rd
Ditton Rd
Lynne Marcus Garden & Landscape DesignLynne Marcus Garden & Landscape Design
Jack Wac & Matthew Gilbert
Design ideas for a mid-sized traditional backyard formal garden in London with with pond and gravel.
The Pond GnomeThe Pond Gnome
The new waterfall is now a place that the birds REALLY enjoy!
Photo of a small mediterranean backyard full sun garden in Phoenix with with pond.
Chicago Urban Garden
Chicago Urban Garden
Hoerr Schaudt Landscape ArchitectsHoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects
Chicago Urban Courtyard | Scott Shigley
Photo of a large tropical backyard shaded formal garden in Chicago with with pond and gravel.
Outdoor Living
Outdoor Living
Kinghorn GardensKinghorn Gardens
Design ideas for a small traditional backyard full sun formal garden in Omaha with with pond and natural stone pavers.
Woodland Garden
Woodland Garden
Pond with natural planting arrangement
Large traditional backyard shaded formal garden in Seattle with with pond and gravel.
Woodside Estate
Woodside Estate
Design Focus InternationalDesign Focus International
This is an example of an expansive traditional sloped garden for spring in Other with with pond.
Modernité en Provence
Modernité en Provence
Agence MORVANT & MOINGEON Paysagistes ConcepteursAgence MORVANT & MOINGEON Paysagistes Concepteurs
Photographe : Gabrielle Voinot. En collaboration avec "Atelier Naudier" pour les ambiances végétales.
Photo of a large contemporary front yard full sun garden in Other with with pond and concrete pavers.
Création d'un jardin exotique avec micro piscine
Création d'un jardin exotique avec micro piscine
Kael Createur de JardinsKael Createur de Jardins
Mise en place d'une béogarden ( micro piscine ) et de son day bed, dans un petit jardin en banlieue toulousaine. Création d'une terrasse en dalle Grey cérame. Mise en place d'une belle pergola en aluminium thermo laqué avec des voiles australienne pour ombrager l'espace repas et détente. une végétation luxuriante et coloré vient embellir l'espace
Special Features - garden bridge
Special Features - garden bridge
Monarch Gardens, Inc.Monarch Gardens, Inc.
Photo of a mid-sized asian backyard shaded garden in San Francisco with with pond and natural stone pavers.
Countryside Lane
Countryside Lane
BOSS ArchitectureBOSS Architecture
photography by raul garcia
Inspiration for a contemporary partial sun garden in Denver with with pond.
Lakeside Hideaway
Lakeside Hideaway
Town + Country Cedar Homes, Inc.Town + Country Cedar Homes, Inc.
Natural landscaping.
Inspiration for a large country sloped partial sun formal garden in Other with with pond and mulch.
Небольшой прудик во внутреннем дворике
Небольшой прудик во внутреннем дворике
Этот пруд расположен во внутреннем дворике над крышей подземного гаража. Чтобы не нагружать перекрытия пруд сделан совсем неглубоким. С одной стороны к пруду примыкает деревянный настил, палуба из лиственницы. Кованый мостик соединяте два берега и повторяет растительные орнаменты цветников. Авторы: Олег Авдонин, Наталья Пышкова GARDENMARINE
Water Features
Water Features
Curti's Landscaping, Inc.Curti's Landscaping, Inc.
Design ideas for a large tropical backyard partial sun garden in New York with with pond.
Ponds & Waterscapes
Ponds & Waterscapes
Nature's Right HandNature's Right Hand
This is an example of a mid-sized asian backyard partial sun formal garden for spring in Ottawa with with pond.
A Rain Garden Shared by Neighbors
A Rain Garden Shared by Neighbors
Plan-it Earth DesignPlan-it Earth Design
A rain garden on the property line is shared by both neighbors and provides a beautiful solution to a common problem Design by Amy Whitworth Installation and Stonework by Stormwater Resource Group
Idyllischer Badeteich am Haus
Idyllischer Badeteich am Haus
Werner Frick - Garten- und LandschaftsbauWerner Frick - Garten- und Landschaftsbau
Der idyllische Badeteich im eigene Garten, ein Traum für viele. In diesem Garten wurde er Wirklichkeit. Die Mischung aus Steinsetzung, bewusstem Kieseinsatz und üppiger, bienenfreundlicher Bepflanzung macht diesen Garten zum Erholungsraum für die Familie.

Garden Design Ideas with with Pond