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Design ideas for a large contemporary single-wall open plan kitchen in Cambridgeshire with an integrated sink, glass-front cabinets, light wood cabinets, quartzite benchtops, multi-coloured splashback, mirror splashback, black appliances, porcelain floors and with island.
ParkerRose Interiors
ParkerRose Interiors
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Helix Collection

Contemporary Kitchen, Cambridgeshire

There is something visceral and unspoken about the attraction of glass. A material for those who are not willing to compromise, who seek perfection in everything they do. Hard but tactile, utilitarian but beautiful, a product full of paradoxes but ultimately stunning and desirable. Helix Vetro transforms the contemporary kitchen into a room where natural and minimalist elegance align. Available in a selection of both gloss Lucido finishes, or matt Opaco finishes. If you can’t find your desired finish utilise our bespoke colour matching service in both Lucido and Opaco options. Accessorise the fascias using a choice of end panel solutions. Cloaking panels as pictured here to create a boxed aesthetic or slim line plant on panels to create a minimalist framed look. Utilise the incorporated handle design for practical function with matching aluminium plinth, and create floating wall units to enhance the design perspective. This set features the beautifully clean Lucido white finish on the main island units, Opaco black on the floating wall units underneath the window and Opaco charcoal on the far wall units.