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Photo of a large beach style master bedroom in Orange County with white walls, light hardwood floors and brown floor.
Anders Lasater Architects
Anders Lasater Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars67 ReviewsView Profile

House on High Drive

Beach Style Bedroom, Orange County

"Built in 1920 as a summer cottage-by-the-sea, this classic, north Laguna cottage long outlived its original owners. Now, refreshed and restored, the home echos with the soul of the early 20th century, while giving its surf-focused family the essence of 21st century modern living. Timeless textures of cedar shingles and wood windows frame the modern interior, itself accented with steel, stone, and sunlight. The best of yesterday and the sensibility of today brought together thoughtfully in a good marriage." Photo by Chad Mellon

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Heidi Creasman added this to TX primary suite24 September 2024

the feature wall