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This is an example of a large industrial kitchen in Orlando with a farmhouse sink, open cabinets, soapstone benchtops, glass tile splashback, medium hardwood floors, with island and grey benchtop.
Kitchen Design by John's Appliance & Bedding
Kitchen Design by John's Appliance & Bedding
Average rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Industrial-Modern Kitchen Remodel in Ormond Beach

Industrial Kitchen, Orlando

This gorgeous kitchen features our Starmark Cabinetry line with "Tempo" style doors in the "Peppercorn" finish. Soapstone countertops line the outer cabinets, while the island features a concrete/wood combination top with galvanized siding. Open-concept wood shelves line the walls, and antique windows salvaged in North Carolina create a divider while allowing natural light to enter the kitchen.