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This is an example of a large eclectic eat-in kitchen in Portland with a farmhouse sink, glass-front cabinets, yellow cabinets, granite benchtops, blue splashback, ceramic splashback, stainless steel appliances, medium hardwood floors, with island and black benchtop.
Howells Architecture + Design
Howells Architecture + Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 ReviewsView Profile

Irvington Kitchen

Eclectic Kitchen, Portland

This kitchen and breakfast room was inspired by the owners' Scandinavian heritage, as well as by a café they love in Europe. Bookshelves in the kitchen and breakfast room make for easy lingering over a snack and a book. The Heath Ceramics tile backsplash also subtly celebrates the author owner and her love of literature: the tile pattern echoes the spines of books on a bookshelf...All photos by Laurie Black.

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Business_Name_Placeholder added this to My Project25 November 2024

Shelves and table