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This is an example of a contemporary backyard deck in Geelong with a pergola.
Mihaly Slocombe
Mihaly Slocombe
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars31 ReviewsView Profile

Joyful House

Contemporary Deck, Geelong

Deck with transparent roof sheeting provides a nestled spot to enjoy the garden. Photo by Tatjana Plitt.
What Houzz contributors are saying
Rebecca Gross added this to Why Now is the Time to Start a Home Renovation or New Build2 April 2020

Mihaly Slocombe“Look at a longer timeline than coronavirus,” says Warwick Mihaly, co-director of Mihaly Slocombe....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Lalanji Wasgewatta added this to Outdoor7 November 2024

Alfresco 1