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Design ideas for a small eclectic 3/4 bathroom in Boston with a claw-foot tub, a console sink, subway tile, green walls, concrete floors and solid surface benchtops.
Ana Donohue Interiors
Ana Donohue Interiors
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 ReviewsView Profile

Junior League Showhouse Bathroom

Eclectic Bathroom, Boston

Michael J. Lee
What Houzz contributors are saying
Kate McKee added this to Safari Style: Decor That Roars17 July 2014

Out of Africa. Luscious palm frond wallpaper combined with an elegant armchair and black and white-striped claw foot...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Elizabeth Ann added this to louisetessierpayette's Ideas23 May 2024

Cozy tropical colonial bath