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Photo of a traditional kitchen in Minneapolis with recessed-panel cabinets and white cabinets.
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Minnesota Private Residence

Traditional Kitchen, Minneapolis

http://www.cookarchitectural.com Perched on wooded hilltop, this historical estate home was thoughtfully restored and expanded, addressing the modern needs of a large family and incorporating the unique style of its owners. The design is teeming with custom details including a porte cochère and fox head rain spouts, providing references to the historical narrative of the site’s long history.

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Joanna Tovia added this to 12 Character-Filled Spaces for Pets in the Home13 April 2014

3. Stylish snoozingThis snazzy dog bed has been built into the kitchen island. You may think the colour-coordinated...

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Kristin Cassidy added this to Mud room3 January 2025

Built in bed for Ted