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Design ideas for a traditional laundry room in New York with open cabinets, white cabinets, white walls, black floor and white benchtop.
Crisp Architects
Crisp Architects
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars83 ReviewsView Profile

New York Transformation

Traditional Laundry Room, New York

Photography by Rob Karosis
What Houzz contributors are saying
Karen Egly-Thompson added this to 10 Wash-and-Wear Laundry Ideas That Go Easy on Your Back20 October 2014

Don’t think that open shelving is reserved for just above the benchtop. Lower open shelving is great for quick access....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Kendra Robinson added this to Laundry • Pantry • Craft (LPC) Room1 July 2024

pantry shelves