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Mid-sized mediterranean backyard patio in Orange County with an outdoor kitchen, natural stone pavers and a roof extension.
Ancient Surfaces
Ancient Surfaces
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars40 ReviewsView Profile

Newport Beach Bayside Project

Mediterranean Patio, Orange County

Outdoor bay front backyard. Antique limestone corners covering the balcony bay. Iron and terracotta French roof tiles balustrade are both reclaimed and hundreds of years old. First and second floor antique wooden doors and shutters were reclaimed from the south of France. Indoor/outdoor flooring is our Antique Millennium Limestone wide planks. This stone element was reclaimed from the island of Malta. This lovely home has an open space architecture. Living, dining, kitchen, pantry, wine cellar, entry foyer, hallway, outdoor patios and BBQ outdoor dining area are all connected and free flowing. www.AncientSurfaces.com sales@ancientsurfaces.com 212-461-0245