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This is an example of a large traditional side yard full sun formal garden for summer in DC Metro with a garden path and brick pavers.
Harry Braswell Inc.
Harry Braswell Inc.
Average rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars16 ReviewsView Profile

Old Town Alexandria: Recreating a Colonial Garden

Traditional Garden, DC Metro

Inspired by a Mount Vernon barn, the homeowners selected an “old-looking” oversized brick handmade by a Carolina brick company to build the garden’s walkways and fence. The pickets were also inspired by George Washington's Mount Vernon estate. A notch instead of a bulge made the carpenter’s template more efficient. The dutch elbow locks, handmade by a company in Philadelphia, are replicas of the locks of homes built in the same time period (the 1830’s). An annual corkscrew white and purple vine, the vigna caracella, graces the fence three seasons of the year. The redolent vine was a favorite of Thomas Jefferson’s. In a similar vein, all light fixtures are reproductions of fixtures that would have been used in the 1830’s. There are no plants that would not have been used in colonial times. Photography by Greg Hadley