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Design ideas for a large transitional women's walk-in wardrobe in San Francisco with raised-panel cabinets, white cabinets and carpet.
Urrutia Design
Urrutia Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

"Old Town" Sausalito, CA

Transitional Wardrobe, San Francisco

URRUTIA DESIGN Photography by Matt Sartain
What Houzz contributors are saying
Joanna Tovia added this to Stickybeak of the Week: Classic Ensuite With an Elegant Twist20 July 2014

The budget called for a high-low mix. The cabinetry is from Ikea, the hardware is from Restoration Hardware, and the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
kaylee added this to closets/storage19 November 2024

windows and colors