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This is an example of an expansive traditional galley eat-in kitchen in Sydney with a drop-in sink, shaker cabinets, white cabinets, marble benchtops, white splashback, brick splashback, stainless steel appliances, ceramic floors, with island and beige floor.
Art of Kitchens Pty Ltd
Art of Kitchens Pty Ltd
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars9 ReviewsView Profile

Pennant Hills Kitchen

Traditional Kitchen, Sydney

This spectacular two-tone West Pennant Hills kitchen cleverly incorporates all the practical needs of a family space without compromising visual appeal and charm. The heart of a bustling family home, the elongated space required extensive yet discreet pantry storage and a large work surface. Inspired, but not restricted, by the Hamptons style, we carefully selected each element to create a visual feast. The black island stretches impressively along the length of the kitchen, its striking Calacatta marble Benchtop presenting a substantial work surface. The dark cabinetry expresses a sense of depth, contrasted against the backdrop of tall white cabinetry. Disappearing into the clean white surroundings, the Ceasarstone bench in Pure White complements the tiled splashback, allowing the Calacatta island to be the hero. Extensive pantry storage and space for appliances are subtly integrated behind large bi-fold cupboards, while two refrigerators, flush-mount sinks and under-cabinet lighting focus on attention to detail and articulate design. The result is a charismatic family focus on attention to detail and articulate design. The result is a charismatic family kitchen awarding every opportunity to cook, entertain and delight.