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Photo of a contemporary powder room in Portland.
Wendy O'Brien Interior Planning & Design
Wendy O'Brien Interior Planning & Design
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Powder Room Remodel

Contemporary Powder Room, Portland

The materials previously used in this Powder Room were not only a departure from the home’s contemporary and Mediterranean architecture, but the room lacked storage and counter space as well. We were able to marry these two styles by combining linear design elements, such as the extra tall tile tall backsplash, with traditional materials such as a cherry cabinet and granite counter top. Adding the floating cabinet provides just the right amount of storage and counter space desperately needed. The intersecting planes adds an exciting design element and the tall, thin mirror accentuates the height of the room and gracefully hangs on the curved wall. The opposing curved wall, behind the toilet can be seen in the reflection in the mirror. A dark glaze and candle sconce creates an additional focal point to the space.

For more exciting interior design projects visit our website: https://wendyobrienid.com.