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Inspiration for a large transitional patio in Chicago with a container garden, concrete pavers and a pergola.
Dual Concept Design
Dual Concept Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

Ravenswood Pied-a-Terre

Transitional Patio, Chicago

An expansive patio with a floating architectural pergola, built-in flower planters, and vibrant colors in furniture and accessories.
What Houzz contributors are saying
Marianne Lipanovich added this to How to Clean Outdoor Furniture and Soft Furnishings6 September 2022

How to clean metal outdoor furnitureMetal furniture, whether stainless steel, powder-coated tubular steel, wrought iron...

What Houzzers are commenting on
debrajohnson1 added this to Re-Landscape14 August 2024

Cantilever beam instead of a post