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Photo of a traditional u-shaped separate kitchen in Nashville with stainless steel appliances, green cabinets, stainless steel benchtops, an integrated sink, shaker cabinets, metallic splashback, no island and multi-coloured floor.
Hermitage Kitchen Gallery LLC
Hermitage Kitchen Gallery LLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars25 ReviewsView Profile


Traditional Kitchen, Nashville

Designed by Melissa M. Sutherland, CKD, Allied ASID, Photo by Bill LaFevor Vibra Stainless Steel Countertop and Backsplash with Integral Stainless Steel Sink by FourSeasons MetalWorks. Kitchen Design and Cabinets by Hermitage Kitchen Design Gallery in Nashville, TN Featured in online article at: http://www.homeportfolio.com/kitchen/kitchens-with-open-cabinets-and-shelving/
What Houzz contributors are saying
Liz Durnan added this to An Aussie Take on the Good Housekeeping Institute's Chore List2 April 2017

Wow, I’ve heard of cleaning inside the microwave, but I had no idea that you’re supposed to do it every week. I reckon...

What Houzzers are commenting on
ivorie218 added this to Newbury Build Fishing9 January 2025

Coffee and micro in scullery