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Design ideas for a small traditional master bathroom in Orange County with an alcove tub, a two-piece toilet, black and white tile, ceramic tile, black walls, ceramic floors, a pedestal sink and white floor.
Builder Boy
Builder Boy
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 ReviewsView Profile

Vintage Black and White Bathroom

Traditional Bathroom, Orange County

If you are a bold personality and want to incorporate the same essence into your bathrooms also, go for bold décor. And nothing can do this better than all-black tiles with not-so-jazzy prints on them. With such dark-toned bathroom tiles, incorporate stainless steel fixtures to make this space sleek and chic. You may also use some bold accents and furniture pieces such as black wooden window frames, bold dark mirror frame and a huge brass chandelier. If you like, you can also let a cute cactus stay in a corner, or hang a plant from a corner!

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HU-202166660 added this to Wish List20 January 2022

1st fl bath