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This is an example of a traditional kitchen in London.
Thomas Davies Kitchens
Thomas Davies Kitchens
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars52 ReviewsView Profile

Wimbledon Bespoke Kitchen

Traditional Kitchen, London

Anita Fraser

Questions About This Photo (13)

Diana ClarkeDiana Clarke wrote:19 November 2016
What Houzz contributors are saying
Parsons Gray {interior decoration + design} added this to Rein In and Splash Out: How to Budget for a Kitchen Renovation19 July 2017

Save… on appliancesThis doesn’t necessarily mean the quality of individual items, but how many items you actually need....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Willow Grey Interiors added this to Lisa Pearce5 days ago

I like this, but not sure it's too much white. I like the depth of the blue but not blue itself