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Transitional kitchen in West Midlands with a double-bowl sink, glass-front cabinets, dark wood cabinets, white splashback, marble splashback, stainless steel appliances, light hardwood floors, with island and beige floor.
Armac Martin
Armac Martin
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile


Transitional Kitchen, West Midlands

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Julia Fairley added this to Best of the Week: 30 Kitchens That are Ahead of the Curve17 October 2018

23. Location: West Midlands, UKFeatures: Precision detailing on these contoured cupboards earns this kitchen extra...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Jenn G added this to 1045 Bluewater Place7 November 2021

Look at this rounded edge on the island