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Building Designers in Torquay, Victoria

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Torquay / 50 km
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73 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Building Designers in Torquay, Victoria

Dylan Barber Building Design
Building Designers in Torquay, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars5 March 2018
“Dylan is highly professional, so easy to work with and comes up with some great ideas outside the box. We loved working with Dylan on our extensive renovation and are thrilled with the finished product.”
Quin Wyatt Building Designer
Building Designers in Torquay, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars27 June 2017
“After being very confused about whether or not to go for an architect or a building designer, and how to even start the process of building, we found Quin Wyatt. We had narrowed it down to 3 firms, however Quin Wyatt was the only one prepared to sit and listen to our needs, show us previous work and then gauge what we needed. His passion and enthusiasm for our project was wonderful...it wasn't just another job for him, he was in for the journey with us.”
Holman Designs
Building Designers in Torquay, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 May 2018
“In a time of great distress following a destructive bushfire at Wye River it was of enormous comfort to have Guy on my side . He has been supportive personally and professionally producing an excellent design for my replacement home keeping me informed and addressing the frequent difficulties arising from a difficult site and restrictive new regulations”
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