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Sustainable Design Services in Albion, Queensland

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Albion / 50 km
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Featured Reviews for Sustainable Design Services in Albion, Queensland

Sustainable Design Services in Albion, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 August 2018
“Fulfilled all aspects of both jobs The lift install was a challenge involving cutting through the concrete floor all done with much less mess and inconvenience final completion was perfect and left us totally satisfied The onsuite was a similarly process successful effort with minimal disruption to our daily life every effort to a keeping dust ,mess was done and w Must say very successfully achieved The completed on suite ( really a complete rebuild) was excellent and full filled our expectations rob a tee Very happy with the whole experience”
GreenCoast Building Design
Sustainable Design Services in Albion, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 August 2016
“I have worked with Aaron for many years in other businesses and companies. Currently, he collaborates with me on select projects requiring documentation and Project Management support. I have always found Aaron to be proactive, diligent and provide very high quality work and service. Our collaborations enable me to deliver confidently to my clients - as well as work with a professional I can trust and rely on.”
Wally Williams Constructions
Sustainable Design Services in Albion, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars15 December 2016
“Studio 15b enjoys working with Wally Williams Constructions. They are good communicators with quality construction. We would welcome the opportunity to work with them again.”
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