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Joinery & Cabinet Makers in Wavell Heights, Queensland

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Wavell Heights / 50 km
115 of 120 professionals
120 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Joinery & Cabinet Makers in Wavell Heights, Queensland

A & T Cabinet Makers
Joinery & Cabinet Makers in Wavell Heights, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars7 May 2017
“This is a great company. They are very family orientated and friendly. They make amazing kitchens - their craftsmanship is outstanding and they have many years of experience behind them. We highly recommend this company to anyone wanting a beautiful new kitchen in their home or renovating. Thanks Alex, Tina, Graeme, Sky-Lee, Simone and Team!!”
Burgess Kitchens
Joinery & Cabinet Makers in Wavell Heights, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars2 December 2015
“Great customer service with an excellent product for a fantastic price. There were no hassles in getting the job finished in an efficient manner. Burgess Kitchens are a very professional outfit in the Kitchen and Cabinetry business.”
Dana Kitchens
Joinery & Cabinet Makers in Wavell Heights, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars26 October 2017
“If you want a truly professional quote that is an experience in itself and a design that will send you on the way to your new kitchen...call Dana.”
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