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Custom Cabinets Services in Willunga, South Australia

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Willunga / 50 km
115 of 35 professionals
35 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Custom Cabinets Services in Willunga, South Australia

Bathrooms & Kitchens SA
Custom Cabinets Services in Willunga, South Australia
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 May 2014
“Paul of Bathrooms and Kitchens SA has transformed two rooms into a modern butlers pantry and new bathroom, with style. Attention to detail was a must for us along with minimal disruption. A supreme trade team is behind this great business that has a great track record. We highly recommend Bathrooms and Kichens SA!”
Custom Cabinets Services in Willunga, South Australia
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 August 2016
“What a result! We were novices at the process but were guided by true professionals. Peter and Bianca's experience shone brightly making the whole process so simple even down to the prompt servicing post installation, simply said we love the result, they have made the kitchen an integral part of our home. We would have no hesitation in recommending Innovative Kitchens to anyone, to say we are advocates of Innovative would seem to be an understatement. A great product from a great company. We Thankyou so much for what we believe is a highlight in our home.”
Alby Turner and Son
Custom Cabinets Services in Willunga, South Australia
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars5 February 2014
“Alby Turner & Son is one of the most respected cabinetmaking companies in Adelaide. Their kitchen and bathroom designs have won many awards over the past decade and I have worked alongside two of their top designers and know them to be highly professional individuals. As an independent designer, I have brought my own jobs to them to have my kitchen designs manufactured and installed and the service they have provided to my company and my clients has been up there with the best. Alby Turner & Son has engaged me in the past to help develop their design software package and to train their designers to get the most out of the software. This was an enjoyable experience that allowed me to learn about the company behind the scenes and see round the factory - an invaluable way to find out how good a company really is. Alby Turner and Son lived up to their reputation entirely.”
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