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Lighting Design Services in Warranwood, Victoria

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Warranwood / 50 km
115 of 59 professionals
59 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Lighting Design Services in Warranwood, Victoria

ilanel. lighting atelier.
Lighting Design Services in Warranwood, Victoria
Average rating: 4 out of 5 stars29 October 2012
“ilanel has a great range of contemporary bespoke lights. I have had dealings with ilanel on several occasions & the outcome of their work is always outstanding. I especially like some of the larger pieces which are great as feature lights in a large staircase.”
Creative Lighting Vic P/L
Lighting Design Services in Warranwood, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars3 January 2020
“My wife and I have built 3 homes over the past 20 years and have used Creative lighting for each project. They have our strongest recommendation for professionalism, knowledge and superior service We have used different builders and architects each time but fortunately only the one lighting and electrical designer being Jill Costelllo of Creative Lighting. They have an excellent showroom and can source all lighting styles as you require”
Lighting Design Services in Warranwood, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 June 2018
“Dealing with Ruth was an absolute joy - she was calm, helpful, knowledgeable and really wanted to understand our house and our aesthetic. She also helped us work out what we wanted when we couldn’t quite articulate it and took in our feedback and ideas. Just a great experience from start to the exquisite finished lights”
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